Thursday, July 19, 2012

APHIS rule update

SAOVA friends,

We should never underestimate the resolve of animal rights organizations to bring an end to animal ownership and breeding as we know it today. I trust all our readers have been following the progress of the APHIS proposed rule for regulating retail pet sellers. The rule is widely promoted by HSUS, ASPCA, PETA, ALDF and others as merely closing a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and a means to run puppy mills out of business. Never forget that in the eyes of these radical groups and their brainwashed followers we are all irresponsible puppy mills. More than two decades ago, HSUS developed campaign materials promoting a moratorium on breeding cats and dogs and guidelines for mandatory spay/neuter laws. PETA stated long ago, “There is no such thing as a responsible breeder”; and went on to say, “Simply put, for every puppy or kitten who is deliberately produced by any breeder, an animal in an animal shelter dies.”

This week the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) weighed in on the APHIS rule. Their submitted comment should be a wakeup call to anyone who holds the illusion that any part of this rule is necessary or that a compromise should be negotiated.

After the tried and true AR-speak statement that “puppy mills produce an estimated two to four million puppies each year often in deplorable and inhumane conditions”, ALDF proceeds to support the rule as a beginning and highlight their ideas for additional steps needed. To summarize, ALDF opposed any expanded exemption from three to four breeding females for dog, cat, and small animal breeders; requested automatic license suspensions for repeat offenders; requested automatic confiscation of distressed animals.

Finally, ALDF requests the AWA be amended by Congress to allow private right of action for enforcement with fee shifting provision. ALDF suggests to APHIS that allowing third parties to file suit against violators would enhance enforcement process and at the same time remove some of the agency’s cost burden. The ALDF comment can be viewed online at the Federal Register.

The comment period for the proposed APHIS rule regulating retail sellers has been extended until August 15. If you value your right to own and breed dogs without federal restrictions, please continue to submit comments and encourage clubs and businesses to do the same.

Again, encourage organizations and businesses to join the SAOVA Opposition List. To add your organization's name, send an email signed by an officer of the organization stating opposition to: Susan Wolf Please include organization's address.

Cross posting is encouraged.

Susan Wolf
Sportsmen's & Animal Owners' Voting Alliance
Working to Identify and Elect Supportive Legislators

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